Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Learn To Row Update

The July Learn to Row (LTR) class just recently completed. Coordinated largely by Susan Schofield (along with assistance from many others), and expert coaching provided by Nich Lee and Dean Poniros, the July class was a stellar success. Two initial days of rowing in the Yale barge pushed the LTR students' progress ahead quickly, and by their second week, they were already rowing by sixes.

LTR students launching their eights

This year's class consisted of twenty-one students, comprised of thirteen women and eight men. According to Susan, many of the LTR students were already active in a number of non-rowing activities, including long-distance swimming, equestrian events, running, yoga, climbing, and biking. One is a top Connecticut high school distance runner; another is a former New England high school champion for hammer and shot put, who went on to compete in those events at Yale. Yet another won his age group in that recent triathlon that caused some interesting turbulence in the water near the Indian Well beach!

LTR Volunteers Susan and Johanna; Coach Nich giving instruction

As a follow-on program, NHRC has scheduled LTR II, open only to participants in the July program. Currently, eighteen of the July students have signed up. Once again, we will need volunteer coxes from the club. For the first 2 weeks of LTR II, the crews will be rowing in eights to hone their skills, and then will switch to fours to train for the Coastweeks Regatta in Mystic (September 14). So be ready to loudly cheer them to victory! Dean Poniros will do most of the coaching for LTR II, with assistance from Nich prior to the regatta.

An LTR eight on the water

Here are details for the LTR II classes. Please email Susan Schofield (schofieldse@cdm.com) if you can volunteer to cox; or, sign up on Susan's poster in the boathouse.

DATES: August 13 – September 11
DAYS of WEEK: Monday (except the first week), Wednesday, Thursday (3 days per week)
TIME: 5:30 – 7 pm

More photos of July 2008 LTR:

Additional LTR photos are posted here (not sure whom to attribute these to -- please let me know!)

July LTR completed on July 31st with a 1000m race and barbeque -- photo album posted here (thanks to Kim Theleen).

A QuickTime video from the race is posted here.

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