Monday, September 1, 2008

Learn to Row Update

Susan reports that volunteer coxes are needed for the remaining LTR classes. Please email or phone Susan at or 203 262 6633, respectively if you can volunteer for any of the following:

Monday, Sept 1 – 1 cox
Wednesday, Sept 3 – 2 coxes
Thursday, Sept 4 – 2 coxes

Monday, Sept 8 – 3 coxes
Wednesday, Sept 10 – 2 coxes

Saturday, Sept 13 – 3 coxes (hopefully these can be coxes who will also cox the LTR boats at Mystic)
Sunday, Sept 14 – TBD, at Coasts Week Regatta

As always, Susan would like to thank everyone in advance for their volunteer services to LTR – your efforts are very much appreciated!

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