Sunday, December 21, 2008

The Day Before Mystic (2008)

This year's Mystic Coastweeks regatta (September 14th, 2008) saw the usual high level of participation by NHRC crews, including three fours raced by graduates from this past summer's Learn To Row Class.

I stopped by the boat house the afternoon before Coastweeks to help with final loading of the trailer, and, at the request of Coach Nich Lee, to give the LTR grads a quick course in de-rigging boats and proper trailer tie-down techniques. John and Betty Sword were on hand to transport the trailer up to Mystic that night, and Bob Nash and Carroll Brooke also came by to help out.

Mark Schofield car-toping several singles

The trailer partially loaded with small boats.

Dianne's single strapped on upper rack.

The NHRC trailer team uses only the most state-of-the-art, time-proven, safety-oriented strapping and slinging techniques!

Meanwhile, the three graduate crews went out on the water for some final practice pieces under the auspices of Dean Poniros. Once they were off the water, we got their boats loaded and the trailer secured, and John and Betty were on their way.

LTR four going out on the water for a late afernoon practice session with Dean.

Another LTR four setting up to practice.

I then decided to hang out on the dock for a while with the few remaining folks, and Ellen showed me the blue and green "NHRC tips" painted on her nails! All of her boatmates sported the same. Her crew was not only going to row well at Coastweeks -- they were also determined to push regatta haute couture to a whole new level. Well done, ladies!

Ellen demonstrates the latest fall fashion statement -- NHRC Nails! First the right hand...

.. and now the left!

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