Sunday, December 21, 2008


(from Baxter Walsh; RSVP Dianne Kelly)

What better way to start the New Year than by joining us for the 15th Annual NEW YEAR’S DAY ROW AND BREAKFAST. The New Haven Rowing Club invites you, nay, ENCOURAGES YOU to a short, but robust, row and a large, also robust, breakfast on January 1, 2009. Bring your family and friends. Each year 40 to 50 people enjoy this fun and festive event.

  • Boat selection begins promptly at 8:30a.m. There will be eights and quads. The short (1000M+) race is at 9 a.m. Dress in layers and, of course, pogies to deal with the temperature. You will be chosen for a boat by a rower who has sworn to be unbiased, free from the pressures to win, calm in the face of threats and open only to covert bribes.
  • Breakfast is served at 10 a.m. A $5 donation is appreciated! ! Coffee and snacks will be available all morning for those not rowing.
Only once was the row cancelled (due to ice), but never the breakfast! You will find the company cheery and spirited. It's really a great way to begin the year!

For directions go to:

Hope to see you at 8:30 on January 1, 2009 at NHRC boathouse!

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