Friday, January 9, 2009

Let the Poetic Wars Begin!

The Argument: He who has seized the gauntlet has challenged.

Steve's challenge is clear,
the battle scene is near
Shall the duel be set at dawn,
on the water or,
erging on the lawn?

I can't wait to see who won
This battle
Between... The epic pens of poet laureates
and their powers!

Tis still the season
To be Jolly
-- Rick Dyer

Herewith we add to tales of battle gore:
In truth, the pen is mightier than the oar.
-- Author unknown [Editor's Note: This came from you, Steve. Don't deny it!]

To challenge Steve to games of verse?
It's clear I couldn't do much worse
Than take on guys like Steve S. Gurney:
We know who's bound to win that tourney!

-- Victor Altshul

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