Tuesday, January 27, 2009

NHRC Goes Cross-Country! (Skiing, that is...)

Sara and Lisa hit the trails

During the NHRC New Year's Day Breakfast, it was discovered that we have a few cross country skiers in the club and decided we should plan some outings this winter.

Our first outing was this past Saturday. A great day of cross-country skiing was had by the five intrepids who met up at Maple Corner Farm in Granville, MA. An added attraction was the great price for maple syrup made on the premises.

We are hoping for future expeditions to Canterbury Farm in Becket, MA; Winding Trails in Farmington, CT; and Northfield Mountain in Northfield, MA. The winter is short, and beginners are welcome! Remember that skis can be rented for a nominal fee at these "resorts."

Please send an e-mail to dkellyrow@aol.com if you would like to be on the NHRC, et al, Cross Country e-mail string.

If its too cold to row,
then please…Let it Snow!!

[Editor's note: It sure beats the alternative, which looks something like this...]

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