Tuesday, September 2, 2008

About Our Doubles and Pairs

I am sure you noticed from Bob's emails, and because there's been a series of boats under repair in the downstream boat bay most of the Summer, that a lot of work has been done on smaller boats this year.

I'm writing to highlight NHRC's fleet of doubles/pairs. Small boats are popular with our members, and we now have a lot of them available many that you would not have thought to row in past years. Try one of the re-conditioned boats, or take out a pair if you've never rowed one (and before the water gets too cold -- just in case).

Please always pay attention to the weight class and reservation policy for all boats before taking any out. If your weight exceeds the manufacturer's range as listed below, find one in the right weight class. Rowing a flyweight like the Fluidesign if you weigh more than 150 lbs, for example, will shorten the life of the boat and may damage it.

* For resticted 2 x/-'s - Senior scullers must steer. LTR and novice scullers may not row.

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