Monday, September 1, 2008

Boat Repair Update

Bob Nash reported the following status, just this past Thursday:

This is just a quick summary of the status of current boat repair work at the Club. As most of you were aware, especially those of you who store your singles in the down river bay of the boathouse, a large amount of work, taking a rather long time, was done on the Catilina. I am glad to report that the repair work has been completed and the boat, currently rigged as a port stroked pair is available for Club use. Next week we will begin a much shorter project to repair some damage on the JC, a heavy weight single. The anticipated work will take significantly less time that the Catilina, less than a week, I hope. Please do not use the JC, beginning tomorrow, until the repair work is completed. It is helpful to have a few days of drying time for the boat before beginning hull repairs, and by not use the JC tomorrow, that will assist in this process.

Thank you for working around the boats under repair while this process in going on.
- Bob Nash

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